Monday, May 11, 2009

A Model Republican

From Janie Lorber's piece in the New York Times, yesterday:

Former Vice President Dick Cheney said on Sunday that he preferred Rush Limbaugh’s brand of conservatism to former Secretary of State Colin L. Powell’s [. . . more]

My prediction: we will soon see a shift in the battle, not over what the party stands for or who among us 'bears the standard,' but who--which subgroup within the GOP--will get to call themselves "Republican" and who will constitute something . . . else. Trouble is, factions on all sides of the chasm(s) are brand loyal, so none will give up without a fight.

I certainly know who I hope carries the day, and let's just say I'm disinclined to allow a radio personality to lead a political party--that blurs the line between pop culture and governance too much for my taste.

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