Monday, September 15, 2008

Belated gratitude

To Bradley for nominating my little ol’ blog for a 2008 “Brilliante Weblog” award.

(though after raising his dander with my most recent post, perhaps he has reconsidered?)
Anyway, it is shameful that it has taken me so long to post this and convey my sincere thanks . . . not just for the kudos but for his continued readership and thoughtful contributions.

Bradley, right back at’cha. And thanks.

I plan to pass the award along soon, so stay tuned.


Bradley said...

(though after raising his dander with my most recent post, perhaps he has reconsidered?)

Never! You've always been my favorite Republican.

Bradley said...

And really, don't blame yourself for my dander. I think it's this new shampoo...